Good morning people!

This blog is a good tool for everyone to be connected and in touch in an easy and quick way.
There are going to be strange and difficult days for everyone so, in order to take care of each other, generate community and work/learn a little bit too, I will put the different activities and material in this blog in which you can (HAVE TO!) comment, share, participate, etc. IN ENGLISH :)

Let's see all this weird situation as an opportunity to explore different ways of learning and knowing each other.

I will NOT ask you to do activities in your book, since I consider it is not the moment and, some of them requiere from my explanation and supervision, BUT there are plenty of interesting and usefull things we can do to improve our english, have our minds busy and learn new things.

There will be two COMPULSORY ACTIVITIES every week, that is, twice a week I will upload a couple of activities that EVERYONE has to do, and them, some extra activities in case you are bored and want to do something else! (at the beginning of the activity I will put OBLIGATORY/VOLUNTARY so you know it).

As I said, they will be different activities from those we are used to do in class, no only for you, but also for me!! (My lovely students THINK ABOUT ME! I live alone so I need a lot of answers and activities from you so I won't get mad and be entertained! :) :) :) )

Try not to estress yourself more than neccessary, do some sport, KEEP CLEAN AND WASHED, and try to see the positive aspects of all this crazy situation.

P:D YES, I will always write in English and so do you, BUT I understand that maybe sometimes it could be difficult for some of you, so you can SOMETIMES use google translator or a dictionary to help you out :)

Bye bye, let's begin!
